China and the Emerging Powers in International Trade Relations: The Future of the Multilateral Trade System, the Role of Free Trade Agreements and New Unilateralism
This article has shown that the overarching importance of the legal order of the WTO will continue. WTO law not only gives form to daily economic life. In addition, it has significant regulatory implications, both for FTAs and for the behaviour of their actors. WTO law can be regarded as the general and underlying order behind the specific and fragmented orders of free trade agreements - as an order that underlies free trade agreements, thus as an order beyond borders.
Free trade agreements are forging new pathways in the restructuring of international trade relations. Free trade agreements come about as an expression of new power and regulatory conditions, framed not only in the context of the trade order but also of the world order as a whole. They can be seen as an attempt to create new orders in the face of changes in economic policy and in particular the changes to the competitive position of emerging economies – in a far more differentiated way than the multilateral trading system is able to do. In taking this approach, free-trade agreements have two goals: the first is to achieve a higher level of trade liberalization within a limited group of actors, in ways that could not be achieved at the multilateral level. The other is to use free trade agreements to establish more favourable competitive conditions among the contracting parties, thus creating a tendency to "immunise" them against competitors from third countries. In this regard, it is particularly relevant that free trade agreements no longer see themselves as merely trade agreements, but rather as more all-encompassing agreements ("complete trade agreements") that achieve even higher integration density by simultaneously including rules on investment, environmental and consumer protection, litigation and much more besides trade rules. Free trade agreements appear as pathways pursued by the parties in an attempt to respond to the new challenges posed in the multi-polar world and, at the same time, compensate for the loss of order in trade relations in the multi-polar world. Recent developments, however, (such as TTIP and TPP) vividly demonstrate that trade integration initiatives may be not only selective and fragmented, but fragile as well.
Beyond these considerations, this article has also shown that the world trade system, as the comprehensive global competitive system, is juxtaposed by Free Trade Agreements, which are increasingly engaging with each other in a competition for integration. Trade agreements then appear less as solutions, but as potential sources for conflict, requiring significant reorientation for all parties involved - even beyond trade policy.
Key words: China, Multilateral International Trade, Free Trade Agreement, Unilateralizm
Chiny i wschodzące mocarstwa w międzynarodowych stosunkach handlowych: przyszłość wielostronnego systemu handlowego, rola umowy o wolnym
handlu i nowy unilateralizm
Zmieniające się tendencje w stosunkach handlowych między głównymi partnerami wskazują, że jesteśmy świadkami pojawienia się długoterminowych zmian w międzynarodowej polityce handlowej, które rozciągają się znacznie dalej niż bieżące wydarzenia. Czy ten rozwój międzynarodowych stosunków handlowych wskazuje na przyszłość charakteryzującą się konfliktem, jak sugerują spory Stanów Zjednoczonych z Chinami i Unią Europejską - przyszłość kształtowana przez agresywny unilateralizm i odwrót od prawa międzynarodowego i współpracy wielostronnej?
Słowa kluczowe: Chiny, Wielostronny Handel Międzynarodowy, Umowa o Wolnym Handlu, Unilateralizm[...]